Ishlah: One Year in Blogging

السلام  عليكم  ورحمة  الله  وبركاته

بارك  الله  فيكم



Ishlah: One year in blogging
Ishlah: One year in blogging

I’m like a baby in blogging community. In the first time, I was confused in choosing the name, theme and the mission for my blog.

English is not my language, and I’m not good at it.

Luckily, my first online friend (an American muslima) guided and taught me well about blogging and English. Alhamdulillah!  Little by little I could walk here. 😀  She was my first follower, my first English online teacher. (I’m sorry Sis Corbin, I’m not a smart student! Jazakillah khoir for everything!)

Through blogging, I admit that I have gotten many awesome friends (I apologize I can’t mention you one by one here). If you don’t mind please read my post about it here: You are my amazing friends! , You Are Awesome! , The Wonderful Quotes of Friendship.

As an English learner, my main purpose in blogging is for improving my English. The other purposes are for improving my writing and sharing my little knowledge about Islam. (I have said many…many times, I hope you don’t fell bored to read it) LOL! As a muslima I’ve to keep my words for good thing, because Allah will ask our words. We have known “Words are sharper than Sword!”

I’m like a baby who needs loves and warm hugs from my parents. Here, really I need feedback for my posts. Alhamdulillah, you always support me my dear friends. I’m so blessed to have you all!

Till this time, I’ve posted 174 posts and I’ve reblogged  9 posts from other blogs. I’ve received many followers, likers, and comments. Yeah, for a baby like me, it isn’t good enough, because I saw others have improved highly in the first time on WordPress. Started from Zero, I hope I’ll be a Hero!

Actually, I only spent one to two hours for blogging each day and sometimes only one hour. I have some reasons for that. I have to divide my times well, for my family, for my work, for my soul, and for blogging! When I have chance to do blogging, I usually copy my writing from my PC then paste into my dashboard, then publish it, then log out. I checked the other blog posts from mailbox using my phone, liked and commented there.


Ishlah's  logo
Ishlah’s logo

I’m like a baby for writing 101, because I knew it so lately. Yeah, here are my words to support myself, “Better late than none,” and “Never late to learn.” I feel writing is my habits now, Alhamdulillah! So many things I want to share (something beneficial) to others. By following this writing course, I really hope I can sharpen my writing skill and my English. I have ever read and heard from others, someone needs 10.000 hours to become an expert in one thing. Today was one year in blogging, if I spent 2 hours each day so I have learned writing and English about 720 hours. Well, I need 9.280 hours again. I have to add my hours for learning it, more and less 6 hours per day. Wow! 6 hours!! I’ll try to do it!  😀

By following Writing 101, Alhamdulillah I met a few Indonesian bloggers and I met an English woman (Bali info) but she lives in Indonesia. She can speak Bahasa Indonesia fluently.  Amazing!

In this gold occasion, from my deep heart, I wanted to say “Thank you very much for your amazing supports those you have given to me. I’m really glad become your family in this WordPress. It’d be interesting if someday we can meet together in nice place and in nice time, hopefully. Insha’Allah (God willing!)

Luv you all my dear friends! May Allah bless you always! ❤


I’m like a baby

I need loves,


And care.



I get all

Thank you

Please hold my hands

And guide me

How to walk

How to run

In Blogging and


I’m ready to learn from you!

Jazakumullah khoiran! ❤

32 thoughts on “Ishlah: One Year in Blogging”

  1. Kak Fatma Amazing.. 174 post in one year and 174 followers..
    I think, you’re not a baby anymore. You’re a real blogger now 😀
    Where you get the inspiration to write as much as it?
    Dan senang skali mlihat blogger muslim yang bertambah banyak.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Arrlan, thank you so much for your kind words! Actually I’m not a baby 😅 As a blogger, yes I’m like a baby! 😃
      ( Oh iya ya 174, saya gak ngeh angka nh!Alhamdulillah, tmn2 sy kebanyakan Muslim, sungguh Islam berkembang pesat di Amerika n benua biru, inspirasi didapat dari mana saja….)

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Jazakillah khoir katsiiron my great teacher! ❤ And thank you for your correction! 😀 I hope so, bc I have great teacher like you, my sis! I'm really blessed to have you! 🙂


  2. Congrats on your one year blogging anniversary. Your English is very good by the way so keep going. You have also achieved all your goals by learning English and sharing about Islam. By the way, what is Muslima?Does is it mean something different than Muslim or why do you say Muslima instead of Muslim? I have always been curious about that

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much for your beautiful comment, my dear! 🙂 The word “Muslim n Muslima” are from Arabic. We use “Muslim” for Muslim men and we can use it for all Muslims, but the word “Muslima” is used for Muslim women only. Hope it can help. Thank you for such beautiful question. ❤ Let me know if you have other questions!


    1. Wa’alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!
      You made my day, sis! 😊 In a fact, I often break grammar rules in my writing, 😅 And I luv your blog too!
      Thank you so much for your great support, my dear sis! Blessing!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats on one year! 174 posts is well done and I admire your commitment to limiting your time in this quite addictive world. All in balance and you seem to have struck a nice level of that for yourself. Your English is fantastic by the way!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Asalam Alaykum sister, sorry for being late in congratulating you on your one year of blogging. I really appreciate your blog, I love coming here every time I can and I always find an interesting article to read.

    Besides, I also love your personality you are so kind and caring. May Allah bless you a lot and give you ease after every difficulty.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wa’alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, you’re so sweet, sister! No need sorry, sis. Jazakillah khoir, my sister for your love n your great support! Alhamdulillah for everything! Jazakillah to your duas, the same be for you, my dear sis! Luv you fillah! 💗💗💗


    1. Alhamdulillah, and now I’m very glad that I met you here, you’re a good friend and wonderful blogger too. Ameen and thank you very much for your dua. The same be for you! ❤


    1. You’re most welcome! Thank you very much for your nice words! Actually, I’m not a good person, but trying to be better, and you’re all heart, my dear friend! ❤


Please share your minds with me! Thank you!